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Monday, July 4, 2011

I am not a Doctor, but I play one on Etsy.....

Scalpel-Check!      Gloves-Check!        Mask-Check!    Syringes-Double Check!
What am I doing? A little Lobotomy, living Room Style? Nope!
I am designing jewelry with supplies that make DIY (Do It Yourself) look like an episode of ER.
Today's little snippet involves wrapping ones mind around the use of unconventional tools of the trade.
Anyone who uses LOS (Liver of Sulfur) is aware that masks and good ventilation are your best friend- There are other medical must haves that will take you from the beginning glue-challenged doing your jewelry residency on Etsy, to "Master Jeweler" out doctoring even me, Dr Brassy.

E6000 and other glues come in a big bulky tubes that tend to dribble with pressure when squeezed which eventually leads to a permanently glued cap. It also goes where it wants, when it wants (which means E6000 glue used to be a cat in a previous life). The way to tame this beast is to get out the syringes. I pull the end cap plunger off the syringe, then squeeze the amount of glue I think I will use in one sitting, into the tube. I then get all the bubbles out and replace the plunger. Squeeze the glue from the needle tip for fine and precise applications, or unscrew the needle and apply from the tiny end of the plunger for more glue. Always screw back on the needle tip in the safety cap, when done so the glue doesn't dry out. I have been able to use a syringe for three days this way, without it gumming up. You will need the largest size needle you can get. The ideal size are the ones they use in veterinary hospitals to place microchips under the skin. If you can't get those, go with the largest gauge you can get. I prefer a 6, 10 or 12 gauge.

With this new knowledge, even your biggest gluing challenge will make it through and live to see another day!
~ Dr Brassy


  1. What a great idea! I am forever buying only the small tubes of E6000 because of the problems that I had with the large tubes in the past. I will definitely try this! Thanks for sharing.

  2. now if I can get a syringe somewhere.

